Monday, January 28, 2013

India's Educational System in 21st Century

Education is a major obligation to live a quality life. But it is also true that only a superiority education can supply such a life. As one of the prime anxiety being brilliance of education in schools, the countries around the world are focusing on improving on teaching science and mathematics to enhance the employability rate of young people, as statement by Aaditi Issac for TNN.

Keeping this in mind, British Council in India has joined with NCERT AND Unesco and planned a global policy conversation in the Capital of the country. Education sector experts, senior policy level officials and practitioners from diverse nations argue and brain tempest upon the issues of expansion the range of science and mathematics education, supporting the potential learning of science and mathematics.

It also focused on inspiring and empowers young people to do glowing in science and mathematics. At classroom level it is predictable that the students must employ with questions and become conscious of what they are learning and what is predictable of them to deliver from the acquired knowledge. Smith further added that the students must be concerned in learning that is complete. She restated that it is necessary that teachers are prepared with right skills and training.

For illustration, at the majestic College in London classes are held by professors for school teachers to help them increase their knowledge-base. Sir Keith O'Nions, Rector, majestic College London said, “We also have a Reach out Lab for school children. In this lab, school students come for free, spend time and learn about science from PG students and professors. This way, we attain out to schools, which may not have good supplies.”


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