Christmas is just about the curve, so we’ve made a new Christmas source pack to have a good time. Take a look at the associated teacher’s comments, which can be found below.
Christmas Slideshow
A slide show planned to begin children to Christmas traditions in different countries. The arrangement consists of exciting facts about each country as well as a set of queries. These can be used to get young students talk about the topic and evaluating the celebrations with their own.
Christmas Wordsearch
A word search includes different names for the ‘gift giver’ that shows at Christmas time about the globe. Few of these gift givers are just like Father Christmas, whereas others, such as Nisse the gnome, are very special!
After the children have created the words, you could get them to investigate one of the characters. Give confidence to children to select a name, then use manuscripts or the web to locate out its country of origin.
Christmas Poems
A set of Christmas poem models for your class to use.
If you prefer to do this action, make sure to model it first. Try generating a mind map of expressive words to use in the poem. Then as a class, converse ideas for every line, before writing the most excellent selections on the board.
Once your students know the concept, allow them try a poem on their own. It’s greatest to use the shorter templates for lesser capability children and the longer ones for the more intelligent.
Our final Christmas resource is a collection of postcards. Easy to cut out and make, they’re a grand way to support independent writing as Christmas approaches.
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